International Tax Professionals
International Tax Lawyer
Paul Wigg-Maxwell, Esq. is an international tax attorney with over 25 years of experience representing individuals and businesses with cross-border ties. Mr. Wigg-Maxwell assists clients in complying with Foreign Bank Account Reporting rules (FBAR) and the new Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). His clients have participated in the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative (OVDI); the Opt-Out Program; and/or chosen not to use these programs. He is well positioned to advise you as to the pros and cons of each choice.
Foreign Owners of U.S. Business and Real Estate
Mr. Wigg-Maxwell has worked with a large number of foreign companies coming to the U.S. market for the first time. He is well versed in the tax issues concerning setting up a U.S. subsidiary of a foreign corporation or working through a branch of a foreign corporation. He can assist you in taking maximum advantage of any tax treaty that may apply.
Mr. Wigg-Maxwell advises on U.S. tax issues involved in foreign investment in U.S. real estate. He has provided tax advice for high net worth foreign investors in purchasing NY apartments and condos.
Mr. Wigg-Maxwell is familiar with the use of tax haven companies for in-bound investment and has set up companies in the Caymans, the British Virgin Islands, and the Netherland Antilles.
Compliance with U.S. international tax laws and regulations is a difficult challenge. When a U.S. company and a foreign company have common ownership such as is the case with a wholly-owned U.S. or foreign subsidiary, compliance requires filing form 5471 or 5472 and completing a compliant transfer pricing study. Mr. Wigg-Maxwell works extensively in this area.
Mr. Wigg-Maxwell answers your U.S. withholding questions concerning payments to non resident alien companies and individuals, including questions about payments of foreign director’s fees; payments to athletes and performers; the taxation of foreign government pensions; interest payments on loans to U.S. taxpayers, and many other types of payment.
U.S. Companies and Investors in Foreign Businesses and Foreign Assets
U.S. companies with foreign operations have a vast array of tricky U.S. tax rules to understand. Mr. Wigg-Maxwell regularly advises on Subpart F, foreign tax credits, and transfer pricing issues, to mention a few of the more common types of issues.
Typically U.S. companies will already have a team of professional staff and outside advisors for any significant transactions such as an acquisition of a group of U.S. and foreign corporations, or a restructuring of foreign holdings. Mr. Wigg-Maxwell brings additional experience and skills to augment your team at the critical time.
Individual International Tax Issues
Individual international tax issues are every bit as complex as those applying to business. The proper reporting of foreign bank accounts and foreign financial accounts has made major headlines recently. New reporting requirements are being phased in each year. Mr. Wigg-Maxwell has assisted clients who participate in the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative (“OVDI”), opt-out of the OVDI, choose soft disclosure, and/or utilize other strategies to cope with these requirements.
Mr. Wigg-Maxwell can help you figure out the tax treatment of funds received from passive foreign investment companies (“PFICS”); how to minimize withholding when a non resident alien sells real estate located in the U.S.; how to report a foreign government pension payment; and whether a gift or inheritance from a foreign source is taxable or has to be reported.
Whatever the international tax issue, Mr. Wigg-Maxwell has the experience, skill, and resources to find the right tax answer and avoid or reduce tax penalties.
International Tax Professionals
17 Watchung Ave, Suite 203
Chatham NJ, 07928
Phone: 973 - 507 - 9760
Email: Paul@wiggmax.com
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